A proper understanding about the agreement between the Subject and Verb in a sentence is one of the most important requirements in English Grammar. The ability to identify the Subject and the verb of a sentence is one of the basic talents one should practice.
This agreement between the subject and verb can be met by simply following a few rules.
Number - A singular subject takes a singular verb. A plural subject takes a plural verb.
Person - The verbs that specifically agree with certain persons should be accurately chosen.
The students should be knowledgeable to recognize the number (whether they are singular or plural) of the Compound Subjects that are linked with the word “and” and “or” as well as Collective Nouns in order to correctly choose the suitable verb. Subject Verb Agreement can be well established with the overall knowledge of English Grammar.
Following exercises help you put your awareness of these rules into practice which will later be stabilized in your mind helping you to generate accurate sentences automatically.